This is a site collective bringing together Yuuya's shoujo manga, Japanese rock (JRock) and personal sites.
Fairy Tales /Yuki Kaori's Fairy Cube [a world of fascination]
Black Sheep /merry (メリー) [eroguro highsense nonsense]
coup d'etat /baroque [growing up without getting older]
Hydrophilia /DAS:VASSER [ready for drowning]
Coin Locker /audio [mp3 rotation site]
Coin Locker Baby /Yuuya [blog]
crysania.com; frenetica.net; jahanna.net; monophobia.net; red-medicine.com; SuperNinjaPirate.com
有機天使ドットネット © 2001-2007 Yuuya. Link-free. No parts of this site may be reproduced on other sites.